Enjoy preventive and general dentistry services at State Street Smiles

At State Street Smiles of Hackensack, New Jersey, Drs. Edward Jackson, Dina Jackson, and their team are excited to provide the following preventive and general dentistry services to new and current patients and families:

Patient with Lady Doctor in the Dental Room
  • Dental examinations and cleanings. One of the easiest ways to prevent periodontal disease and tooth decay is with routine examinations and cleanings performed by our dental hygienists and dentists. An oral exam is best for catching problems in the earlier stages for more successful treatment of common dental issues.
  • Tongue tie and lip tie treatments. Patients, young and old, who need a frenectomy (tongue tie and lip tie treatments) can have the procedure performed in our office to help infants feed easier and children speak clearly.
  • Oral cancer screenings. Using the VELscope device, our dentists at State Street Smiles can pinpoint unusual tissues and growths that might be cancerous and provide services such as biopsies to check for oral cancer.
  • Periodontal care. We offer scaling and root planing, as well as other services for patients with gum disease.
  • Tooth extractions and wisdom tooth removal. Patients who need teeth extracted, surgical or simple, will find that our team is equipped with sedation and experience to make this happen in the most comfortable way possible.
  • Root canal therapy. Patients can save an infected or diseased tooth from permanent extraction and replacement with root canal therapy or endodontic therapy. The procedure is not painful, as it is done with proper anesthetics and sedation for optimum patient comfort.
  • Dental sealants. Dental sealants are a preventative solution to protect teeth from cavities. They are placed on the molars near the back of the mouth to smooth the grooves and pits where decay tends to build.
  • Dental fillings. Patients who have areas of tooth decay will benefit from the placement of dental fillings. We use tooth-colored fillings formulated with composite resin bonding to ensure these areas are treated while remaining aesthetic in appearance.
  • Mouthguards/nightguards. Snoring and bruxism, a condition that causes clenching and grinding of the teeth, can be resolved using nightguards. Patients involved in high-contact sports will also want to work with our team to obtain mouthguards to protect the teeth and gums from injury.

Call State Street Smiles today!

If you live in or around Hackensack, NJ, and want to work with a team offering preventative and general dentistry services, call (201) 389-2183 to request your next appointment at 405 Main Street.